• These Terms set out the general conditions, rules and manner of providing services by Usługi Informatyczne Szansa sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Bielsko-Biała by electronic means, through the https://cadextender.com/ website (hereinafter referred to as the "Internet Service").

This Internet Service is an information service in the field of CAD software (Computer Aided Design), i.e. application of hardware and software in technical design. The Internet Service makes available free of charge a number of licenses that can be downloaded from the Internet Service, as well as supports Users through free technical support services, according to the rules described in these Terms.


  • 1 Definitions
  • Password - means a sequence of letters, digital or other characters used to secure access to the User Account on the Website.
  • User Account - means an individual User's panel placed on the Website of the Service, launched for the benefit of selected Users by the Service Provider, after Registration.
  • Login - means an individual designation of the User, assigned by the Service Provider, consisting of a sequence of alphabetical, digital or other characters, required together with the Password to log in to the User's Account on the Website.
  • Regulations - means the terms of service of the Internet Service.
  • Registration - means an actual action performed in the manner specified in the Regulations of the Website, necessary to create a User Account.
  • Website - means the websites under which the Service Provider operates the Website, operating in the domain https://cadextender.com/.
  • Service Provider - means Usługi Informatyczne Szansa sp. z o.o. with its seat in Bielsko-Biała (43-300), ul. Chryzantemowa 5, NIP: 9372672769, REGON: 360604756, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court in Bielsko-Biała, VIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register under the number KRS 0000536210, with the share capital of PLN 100,000; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., which is also the owner of the Internet Service.
  • User - means an entity using the functionality of the Website, for which services are provided by the Service Provider, having full legal capacity.
  • 2 General provisions and use of the Website
  • All rights to the Internet Service, including copyright, intellectual property rights to its name, Internet domain, Website, as well as patterns, forms, logotypes belong to the Service Provider, and their use may only be made in the manner specified and consistent with the Regulations.
  • Service Provider will make every effort to ensure that the use of the Website is possible for Internet users using all popular web browsers, operating systems, types of devices and types of Internet connections. The minimum technical requirements for using the Website are Internet Explorer 11 or Chrome 66 or FireFox 60 or Opera 53 or Safari 5 or later, with Javascript support enabled, accepting cookies and an Internet connection with a bandwidth of at least 512 kbit/s. The Website is responsive and dynamically adapts to any screen resolution.
  • The Service Provider uses the mechanism of "cookies", which during the use of the Service Website by Users, are stored by the Service Provider's server on the User's terminal device. The use of "cookies" is aimed at the correct operation of the Website of the Service on User's terminal equipment. This mechanism does not destroy the User's end device and does not cause any configuration changes in User's end devices or software installed on these devices. Each User may disable the mechanism of "cookies" in the web browser of his end device. The Service Provider indicates that disabling "cookies" may, however, make it difficult or impossible to use the Website of the Service.
  • It is forbidden for the User to provide illegal content and use by the User of the Website, Website or services provided by the Service Provider, in a manner contrary to the law, good manners, violating personal rights of third parties or legitimate interests of the Service Provider.
  • The Service Provider declares that the public nature of the Internet and the use of services provided by electronic means may involve the risk of obtaining and modifying Users' data by unauthorized persons, therefore Users should use appropriate technical means that will minimize the above-mentioned risks. In particular, they should use antivirus and identity protection programs for Internet users.
  • The User is entitled to use the resources of the Internet Service only for their own use. It is not allowed to use the resources and functions of the Internet Service in order to conduct activities by the User that would violate the interest of the Service Provider.
  • 3 Registration
  • Registration is not necessary to use the services provided on the Internet Service Website.
  • In order to register, the User should contact the Service Provider via e-mail and express his willingness to conclude an agreement for the provision by the Service Provider of the service of maintaining the User's Account by e-mail. After positive verification, the Service Provider shall set up a User Account and provide the User with a Login and Password, necessary to log in to the Internet Service. At this moment, an agreement is concluded for the provision of the service of maintaining the User's Account electronically, and the User obtains the possibility of access to the User's Account and services made available within the User's Account.
  • The User is obliged to make every effort to maintain confidentiality and not to make the Password available to third parties. In case of circumstances indicating that the Password is suspected of being in the possession of an unauthorized person, the User is obliged to immediately notify the Service Provider about this fact, using the available means of communication.
  • The Service Provider creates and implements safeguards against unauthorized use, multiplication or distribution of content contained on the Website. If the Service Provider uses the above protections, Users undertake to refrain from any actions aimed at removing or circumventing such protections or solutions.
  • 4 Services
  • The Service Provider provides services free of charge to the Users by electronic means. Services are provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • The Service Provider provides the following services free of charge to the Users by electronic means:
    • Running the User Account;
    • Downloading the license;
    • Remote assistance;
    • Telephone support;
    • E-mail support.

Additionally, in the tab Help, the User can go to the Users' Forum, available under the domain: forum.cad.info.pl, where the contents of advanced Users of ZWCAD programs are presented.

  • The User Account maintenance service is available after Registration, according to the rules described in §3 of the Regulations.
  • The User who has made the Registration may request the Service Provider to delete the User Account. In case of sending the request to the Service Provider, the User Account shall be deleted within 7 (seven) calendar days.
  • The Licence Download Service consists of enabling the User by the Service Provider to download the licenses presented through the Website to the User's terminal device. Each time the User is informed about the scope of the license, its duration as well as the possibility of its extension. In order to use the service, the User shall fill in and send to the Service Provider a dedicated form, placed on the Website of the Service.
  • The resignation from the Download Licence service is available at any time and consists in stopping the User from using the service.
  • The Remote Assistance service consists in enabling the Service Provider with a special tool, to look at the User's desktop once and diagnose the problem. The tool used for this purpose is fully secure and does not require installation on the computer. All you have to do is run it, then a window with data to connect will open. The service provider has two independent programs for remote help. All you need to do is download and run one of the programs presented in the Remote Help tab. The window should contain logo and addresses. This guarantees the security of the connection. After providing your Service Provider with your ID number and Password (TeamViewer) or AnyDesk address, your Service Provider will be able to look at your desktop once. When you close the remote connection program, the possibility of connection disappears completely.
  • Cancellation of the Remote Assistance service is possible at any time and consists in discontinuing the service.
  • The Telephone Support service consists in enabling the User to contact the Service Provider by phone during hours and days and at the telephone number indicated on the Internet Service Website in the tab Phone Support. The User may use the help of the technical department in case of technical problems related to the downloaded license.
  • Cancellation of the Telephone Support service is possible at any time and consists in stopping using the service.
  • The e-mail support service consists in enabling the User to contact the Service Provider via e-mail, to the address indicated on the Internet Service Website in the e-mail support tab. The User should describe the problem as fully as possible and then send an e-mail to the Service Provider. The Service Provider shall inform the User about the causes of the problem back to the sent e-mail address.
  • Cancellation of the Email help service is possible at any time and consists of stopping usage of the service.
  • The Service Provider is entitled to block access to free services, in case of acting by the User to the detriment of the Service Provider or other Users, violation by the User of legal regulations or provisions of the Regulations, and also when blocking access to free services is justified by security reasons - in particular: breaking the security of the Internet Service Website or other hacking activities. Blocking access to free services for the aforementioned reasons lasts for the period necessary to resolve the issue constituting the basis for blocking access to free services. The Service Provider shall notify the User about the intention to block the access to free services by electronic means to the address given by the User in the content placement form.
  • 5 Complaints
  • The User may report complaints to the Service Provider in connection with the use of services provided electronically by the Service Provider. The complaint may be submitted in electronic form and sent to the Service Provider's electronic address. In the complaint report the User should include a description of the problem. The Service Provider shall immediately, but not later than within 14 days, consider the complaint and respond to the User's e-mail address given in the complaint form.
  • The Service Provider enables the User who is a Consumer to use out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes. The authorized entity, competent for the Service Provider is the Provincial Inspectorate of Commercial Inspection in Katowice, 4 Brata Alberta Street, post office box no. 178, 40-951 Katowice http://www.katowice.wiih.gov.pl.
  • 6 Personal data protection
  • The Privacy Policy contains the regulations of Privacy Policy.
  • 7 Termination of contract
  • Both the User and the Service Provider may terminate the contract for the provision of services by electronic means at any time and without giving reasons, subject to retaining the rights acquired by the other party before the termination of the above agreement and the provisions below.
  • The parties may terminate the contract for the provision of services by electronic means by making an appropriate declaration of intent, in particular using any means of remote communication, in a way that allows the other party to become acquainted with it.
  • 8 Final provisions and amendments to the Regulations
  • The content of these Regulations may be recorded by printing, saving on a carrier or downloading at any time from the Internet Service Website.
  • The Service Provider informs the User who is a Consumer about the possibility of using out-of-court methods of complaint processing and asserting claims. The rules of access to these procedures are available at the premises or on the websites of entities entitled to out-of-court dispute resolution. They may be in particular consumer advocates or Provincial Inspectorates of the Commercial Inspection, the list of which is available on the website of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection at http://www.uokik.gov.pl/spory_konsumenckie.php.

The service provider informs that at the address http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/ there is an online platform for dispute resolution between consumers and traders at the EU level (ODR platform).

  • In case of a dispute arising on the basis of a contract for the provision of services by electronic means, the parties will strive to resolve the matter amicably. The law applicable to resolve any disputes arising under these Regulations is Polish law.
  • The service provider reserves the right to amend these Regulations. All contracts for the provision of services by electronic means concluded before the date of entry into force of the new Regulations are implemented on the basis of the Regulations, which were in force on the date of conclusion of the contract for the provision of services by electronic means. An amendment to the Regulations shall come into force within 7 days of publication on the Website of the Internet Service. The Service Provider shall inform the User 7 days before the entry into force of the new Regulations about the amendment to the Regulations by means of a message sent electronically containing a link to the text of the amended Regulations. If the User does not accept the new content of the Regulations, he is obliged to notify the Service Provider about this fact, which results in termination of the agreement in accordance with the provisions of §7.
  • Regulations shall enter into force on 27.04.2020.